By Vicki Hughes Posted March 16, 2013
Soup is magical. It conjures up all that is good in the Universe. Love, hope, nourishment, comfort and sustenance. It tells us we will be okay and it’s fine to feel five years old once in a while.
Right after Christmas I had a cold. I went to work sick. I sneezed, and my nose ran through my cold meds. I had a very long day, especially since it was December 26th, I was sick, we had a skeleton crew, the phones rang off the hook, and I was there till 7:30 pm. Did I mention I was also having some lovely cramps? It was a shitty day, not to put too fine a point on it.
When I got home, looking much like I felt, which was not good, all I could think was, “I hab a code.” But wonder of wonders, my Momma had made a pot of tomato-butternut squash soup. It was thick and savory and waiting to be eaten! This is a definite perk of having my Momma living here. She’s an awesome cook. She’d also cleaned up all the debris of Christmas and that too was a mood enhancer after the day I’d had.
I’d hoped to sleep it off and awaken the next day fresh as a daisy, but I was stuffy and puffy, leaking and hoarse and really not suitable for dealing with the public, let alone doing personal services like facials and leg waxes. I made the decision to keep myself home and attempt to be some help to my team via text, but I knew they were neck deep in the trenches and I felt bad for not being there on a very busy day. If I wasn’t worried that I might take them all down with Cholera, I’d have been there.
While I was frantically texting my Front Desk Coordinator, trying to help her with a software meltdown, my Mom asked me if I wanted her to make me some Turkey Vegetable Soup from our leftover Christmas turkey. Answer? “Yes. Yes I do.” Because I may not be able to fix lots of things, but I could accept this bit of solace and allow it to heal me and restore a modicum of peace in the chaos.
Soup makes life better, especially when your mom makes it for you while you’re sick and look like warmed over hell.
Soup is magical because it takes simple, humble ingredients and converts them into comfort and sustaining nourishment. Soup doesn’t pretend to be anything it’s not. It doesn’t puff itself up and try to compete with Chateau Briand or Crème Brule. It’s just soup, and that’s enough. Soup has healthy self esteem. It doesn’t try to impress you with a lot of fancy dance moves. You toss a few veggies and some liquid in a pot….add whatever you have on hand, and viola! Soup. And whatever was bugging you before bugs you just a tiny bit less. If you still need a little boost, toss in one grilled cheese sandwich, and call me in the morning.
© Vicki Hughes 2013
Soup is good for you :0)
Thanks you YOU! <3
I aspire to BE soup!! 😉
Nourishing, comforting, and good for the soul….hey1 You ARE soup! 😉
Funny you should mention Turkey Soup that’s like my specialty.Every year for the past 20 years i have been taking the leftover turkey from my sister Thanksgiving fest and using it to make a meaty stock which goes in the freezer until Christmas eve.On Christmas eve i thaw it out and add some veggies to it to make a big pot of soup for a Christmas Eve party at my house.It is like a tradition but one year i had to work late on Christmas eve could make the soup everyone was really disappointed that there was no soup ; ( Soup it does a body good even if your not sick : )
Scott, I love a good soup tradition! <3
Ah. SooooouuuuuP!!! I love a good soup and you haven’t lived until you have eaten Nick’s Green Chilli Chicken Chowder OMG it’s the nectar of the God’s. love this blog!!
I’ve been blessed to have a bowl! GREAT! Now I’m craving it!!
Soup is major comfort food!!! So soothing, calming, relaxing, restful, serene, peaceful, mollifying & comforting!!!! Like an old friend, or favorite book you’ve read many times, but always enjoy again or a movie that you know every line, but just can’t resist watching it for 100th time!! Back to the soup….there are so many different kinds to savor & appreciate!!! Even the condiments can add so much to the enjoyment!! Yesterday I had Thai Coconut Soup and with the first spoon full I felt myself relax and sat back in my seat and then all the good memories with sharing “that” particlar soup with friends & family for many years came flooding back and I was tranported back in time in my Happy Place!! Tonight I will be having a totally different soup at a Japanese resturant that also is flooded with memories and I will sit back and remember!! I totally adore soups of all kinds–they can make an average day become so special with that first spoonful!! As always Vicki we agree on so many things!! Love soup & love you! Pat
I think the Queen has a little bit of blogger in there somewhere!
love this <3
When I was getting ready to go into the hospital to have Jonas my parents came down to stay with Ally. Mom fixed all my fave foods, including her chicken & dumplings (which is basically legal crack). Its not quite a “soup” but it has all the soupy goodness of soft chicken, mushy dumplings floating in a creamy sauce. The next day after the C Section from Hell & being sick from all the meds, I had her & Daddy sneak me (I wasn’t supposed to be eating yet) some into the hospital room. It helped to boost my spirits and made me feel so much stronger. Soup really does cure everything.
It truly does a body good!